Photo - Steven Heycock
For your information, all photos are sized down or cropped specifically for web-site use, for anymore information about photographer or better quality, size of photo & purchasing of photos, please contact relevant site e-mail address supplied on my site via the main menu.
Website created by Alexander Mcewen (
1st page by Gunter Sky Kaiser ( )
WELCOME - Photographer Alexander Mcewan contact as above.
C.V. Pictures - in order going down from left to right
Lady and the Fool - Photographer Leslie E.Spatt. Clown William Tuckett.
Our Waltzes Penche with Maurizio Bellezza, - Photographer Sir Anthony Crickmay.
Pictures also by Elizabeth Pacey include Our Waltzes with Stephan Dalle. Three Preludes with Maurizio Bellezza. Linvitation au voyage in rehearsal with Stephen Sherrif.
Four Last Songs, My Brother My Sisters with Paul Lewis and Josephine Jewkes, and 2nd picture with Robert Marshall. Photographer Patrick Baldwin.
IN PERFORMANCE - Entry photos - Phil Conrad
All pictures from dancing days with companies English National Ballet & Balletomane.
CINDERELLA - Photos by Elizabeth Pacey except one with Maurizio Bellezza ( Ugly sister) Christian Duncan as the Prince. Snow Queen picture with Thomas Edur. Summer Fairy - (Michael Corders Cinderella.) with Robert Marshall, Photographer - Patrick Baldwin
JULIET - with Thomas Edur - Photographer Bill Cooper.
With Jose Manuel Carreno - Photographer Unknown.
Balcony scene and Bedroom - Photographer Elizabeth Pacey.
Third Act bedroom - with Paris :- Paul Jenner. Lord Capulet :- James Supervia
And Nurse :- Anne Manger plus two Crypt Scene - Photographer Unknown.
GISELLE -1st Act - Photographer Emma-Louise Ogilvy. With Jane Howarth as Bathilde.
2nd Act - Photographer Patrick Baldwin, contact as in Cinderella, with Giuseppe Picone as Albrecht.
Giselle Image - Photographer Holly Warburton, http:/
8 Images - Balletomane 2006, Queen of the Wilis - 1st pic with Claire Maclean. Photographer Simon Richardson. or contact at
Giselle with Albrecht Oliver Cheng images taken by DRUM (Action for Disability)
States of Grace (Giselle with Giuseppe Picone) Photographer - Patrick Baldwin.
PROJECTS 2004-2013.
Photographers worked with as follows :-
Alexander Mcewen. (2004)
Phil Conrad. (04, 06, 08 & 2010)
Gary Nicholls. (07 & 2006)
Photos curtesy of Arts Depot North Finchley. (07, 08 & 2011)
Yael Fachler. (2007)
Hass Idriss. (2007)
Photos curtesy of (2008) Video work with ;-
Andy Bate. (08 & 2009) Charles Dark-Busker productions (2007)
Elaine Mayson.(2008) Daniel Paul Jones (2009)
Henry Hunt.(2008) Cheng-Han Ly (2009)
Tina Engstram.(2009) Karen Stevens (2009)
David Soden (2010) Dom Lenoir (2011)
Daniella d'Amato (2011) Mark Maxwell (2011)
Graham Reading (11,12 & 2013) Amy Matheison (2012)
Simon Newlyn (11 & 2012)
Chris Ennis (11,12 & 2013)
Dom Lenoir (2011)
Timothy-Stubbs Hughs (2012)
Oran Blackwood (2012)
Alex Falcao (2013)
Marcin Zagorski (2013)
Alexander Yip (2013)
Artistic Nudes. (2011 & 2013)
Photographers worked with as follows :-
Shaun Yim.
James Mountford.
Oran Blackwood.
Dave Thomas.
Peter Anscombe.
Tim Reder.
Antonio Taccone.
Adrian Scoffield.
Steven Shingler.
Artistic glamour
Marcin Zagorski
My thanks to Joshua Wiskey (Artist on the web) and many others! For their inspirational ideas towards putting this website together.
Many thanks also to Gary Nicholls and Mr Shah of Fast Photo Express North Finchley for helping me organise photos for this website and the kind use of their facilities.
Lastly a huge thank you to Alexander McEwen who patiently and kindly designed the whole website for me!