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Glitterbox Burlesque

I began my Burlesque Dancing after meeting a beautiful Burlesque dancer in an Experimental 3-D Shoot with Amy Matheison (see 2012 3-D shoot) . Glamour L'Amour was already the head of her own small Company Glitterbox Burlesque at The old Fire Station in Windsor & she invited me to come along and Guest in her first full-length Show 'Alice in Wonderlnd' sending me some music through to work with I began thinking, dancing & stitching & something happened!

From then on I began working on my own Costumes, Choreography and Characters imalgamating the Styles of Ballet & Burlesque so I could use my own Training also within the Form.

This was so Exciting for me.

I met some lovely people here, even though Windsor was a bit out the way I tried to put together at least one or two pieces for each of the Seasonal Glitterbox Shows which we did afterward.

Shows include - Alice in Wonderland, A Vintage Summer, A Vintage Christmas & Christmas Dreams

Please see beneath just a few selected Images from this time.

Thank you - Moonstone Rocket


For any extra links to Dances & Solos please feel free to visit my Youtube Channel - Aphoditeism


Many of the Photographers have their stamp on but for more info -

Purple Wings

Spy - Jonathon Godding & Stan.

Fairy - Graham Reading, Jonathan Godding.

Swan - Dress me up & Shoot me.

Syringe - As above + DIGITALMK

Windmills - DIGITAL MK * ALX

Sugar Plum - DIGITAL MK & ALX

Last 2 - Addison Duggan Photography.

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